Pipredrive Integration
Intelligently automate sales workflows with slack.
Increase communication among your sales team and broadcast success with the Chili Piper Slack integration.
Celebrate wins with your sales team. Provide greater visibility amongst team members so you know when calls are connected and meetings are scheduled. Additionally, Chili Piper can notify you of discussion threads in your inbox.
Integrate with Slack
Connect Chili Piper to Slack for real time calls and meeting notifications.
Send Meetings Notifications to Users
Notify users via slack about calls, meetings, reschedules, and more.
Stay in the Loop with Your Team’s Meetings
Stay connected, book meetings, and celebrate your teams wins.
Key Features
Integrate Chili Piper and Google Calendar to seamlessly schedule meetings.
Notify Users Whenever a Meeting is Booked
Send users notification when a meeting is booked via booking links or instant booker.
Stay Alert with Video and Live Call Notifications
Get notified in real time with prospect details for Concierge Scheduling + Live Calls.
Get Notified about Rescheduled and Reassigned Meetings
Keep your team in the loop when meetings are rescheduled or reassigned to a different rep.
Real Time Hot Handoff Meeting Notifications
Notify your team when prospects are ready to talk now and handoff hot leads to your sales team.